
Church is all about the community of God's people, and what we do is far more than what happens on a Sunday.

  • Growth groups

    Growth groups are at the heart of our church life and we encourage all of our members to be a part of one. Our groups vary in meeting times and dynamics but studying the Bible, prayer and conversations are part of each of them. If you’d like to join a group please chat with Steve or one of our elders.

  • impact youth

    Impact Youth meets from 7:30-9pm Friday nights during term time and is open to all high school kids in the area. We enjoy games, Bible Study, and eating together. If you’re interested please email Tim Walker:

  • kids church

    We are blessed to have many young children & teens in our church family and we take children’s and youth ministry seriously. We actively involve the kids in the service with an interactive kids’ talk as well as a kids church program for pre-school and primary school aged children (during the school term). For infants and littlies we have creche as well as a parents room.

  • women's and men's ministries

    Through the year we have a number of events specifically for Men & Women. Some of these are designed to invite others to hear about Jesus, while others are for mutual encouragement. We also have a Men's and Women's camp each year.